Osawari Island Wikia
Osawari Island Wikia
Hitomi Otsuka
Hitomi Otsuka Icon
Eromon Information
Type: Ruby Type
Initial Rarity: HR Rarity
Final Rarity: SL Rarity
Innate Move: Dash to cash!
BWH: 76/58/85
Height: 161cm
Illustration: Caramel chawan-mushi
Voice: Tsubaki

Hitomi Otsuka is a Ruby-type, HR→SL Rarity Eromon, currently listed as the 480th Eromon in the Album Collection.

Was obtainable from:

 Album Entry[]

Girl who loves doing exercises. She absolutely doesn't like studying, but that is not a problem since exercise is fun. She only owns jerseys because she is poor. But since they are easy to move around in, there is no problem. Does not have any breasts. But since it is easy to move because of that, it is not a problem. She likes exercising, but she has water phobia, so she does not like to swim.


Level HP MP Attack Defense Provocation Speed
1 1372 312 576 312 143 209
70 7155 1043 2307 1685 529 287


Dash to cash!


Description Lv MP Cost Power
Boosts the SPEED of all allies temporarily.
Lv1 1700 40
LvMax 1600 50


HR Rarity: My name's Hitomi Ootsuka. Are you here to give me money? Oh, no?

SR Rarity: It's fun to exercise. But it sure would be nice if some money would come out of it, too...

SSR Rarity: I'm OK with most type of exercises, but I can't swim no matter what. I'm terrified of water.

SL Rarity: All that talk about love over money is a load of bull. Money is the most important thing! Give me money!


H-Scenes Face Teaser[]

Hitomi Otsuka SSR Scene Face
Hitomi Otsuka SL Scene Face